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“Decathlon Sintra, since 2007, is a reference for the population in terms of sports retail, but we want to grow and be near to the many, specially for those who constitute our surrounding environment. We’ve had several actions with the local community, but we think we can move forward to another level, including Foundation purpose.

At Decathlon we believe that no one should be left behind and we believe in evolution and integration through sports. We work with APERCIM, since almost ever and we found that this project could be one of the ways to let sports change the way, disabled and underprivileged people feel in our society, and with that, take them to that other level of confidence and realization with themselves.

We want to open doors for these people, show them that they are not less and, above all, that their well-being is important to us. I decided to get involved in this project to feel that we help build these bridges between disabled people and a more independent and realized life is a giant motivation for our daily routine. The smile and happiness of those who we are capable to help have an infinite value, shows us that we are part of something bigger than ourselves, part of a process for a better and more confident society.” 


Tiago Casimiro, Sintra Store 



“I decide to be part of this project because I know the inclusion of disabled people is a challenge for a lot of companies. Although Decathlon already have this awareness, I feel that this project will help the company to mark our responsibility with our social environment and, in a personal way, I am glad that I will be able to help and contribute for these people inclusion, knowing that they are not in the same situation that we are right now and all of these while using sports to develop their cognitive capacities and cooperation skills with others.”


Renata Carvalho, Sintra store 



“I decided to integrate this project because, apart from being a Decathlon worker, I am a therapist in a social solidarity institution and with that I know very well the difficulties felt and the importance of their work. For the incredible way APERCIM dedicates to the improvement of the quality of live, I feel that is my duty, as a worker of one of the biggest sports companies in the world, to make the maximum to help in this fight of a lot of families and help APERCIM to have all the needed instruments to achieve their purpose.” 



Andre Silva, Sintra store


Tiago, Renata and Andre from Sintra Store







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