8 projects carried out by our teams in France were validated on 29 March at the Tribord Sailing Lab in La Rochelle!
Once again, our team members have shown an exceptional commitment to the various associations supported, always with the same objective: to make the pleasure and benefits of practising sports accessible to as many people as possible in the long term.
Focus on these projects:
- The “School of Inclusion through Sport” project carried out by the teams of our different sites in Lille (Campus, Btwin Village and Jardin des Plantes) and APELS, which will enable young people with little or no qualifications to reveal their potential through sport in order to enter a training course leading to a diploma and obtain a job.
- The “De’Chabotte” project, by the teams of the Montélimar store and the Association Sport dans la Ville, which aims to enable more than 1,000 young people per year from priority neighbourhoods to meet in a holiday and training centre unique in France, in order to give them access to the pleasures and well-being of natural sport.
- The “Dec’Adapt” project led by 3 teammates from the La Couronne store, in partnership with ADAPEI Charente. It aims to facilitate access to physical and motor activities for all and as close as possible to each person through the purchase of a multi-sport vehicle used every week to provide adapted tools to the 1,300 beneficiaries of the association in all parts of the department.
- The “Bus Itinérant Sport Santé (BISS)” project run by the Rennes team and the Breizh Insertion Sport Association, to encourage regular physical activity and sport and promote the adoption of a balanced diet, through the purchase of a travelling bus that goes directly to meet young people from the political neighbourhoods of Rennes.
- The “Mon bonnet rose” project by the Saint-Martin-Boulogne and Calais stores, in partnership with La Maison Mer. The aim is to help women resume appropriate physical activity during and after treatment for breast cancer, in the region with the highest excess mortality from this disease (27% in the Nord Department and 33% in the Pas de Calais Department).
- The project “Tous à l’eau!” by our brands Nabaiji and Olaian located at the Water Sport Center in Hendaye, and the Marine Hospital. It aims to facilitate access to water sports for disabled patients at the hospital in order to improve their mental and physical well-being.
- The “Socio-Sports Centre” project by our Decathlon Nîmes teams and the UFOLEP, to create a centre to welcome young people in socially vulnerable situations. The aim of this centre will be to offer them sports, training and inclusive activities.
- Finally, the “Solidarity Sailboat” project in La Rochelle, supported by the Tribord teams and the Ocean Peak and Utopie Iodée associations, to renovate a shared boat, available for use by any association implementing solidarity, social and environmental actions and using the sport of sailing as a support.
The Foundation’s team would like to thank Guillaume Cutuli, Director of the Sailing Lab, and Guénolé Havard, Tribord Brand Leader, for their warm welcome in their magnificent premises and for sharing their meaningful project!
11 April 2022